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Etsy Success Course

We are Top 1% Etsy sellers

Learn from the best!

7 Steps to Etsy Success... and a bonus!

CreateAlong's Etsy shop became a top 1% seller in the polymer clay tools niche- before we ever branded it!


We've been selling on Etsy as individuals and as a team since 2005. In 2013, we opened a tiny Etsy shop to sell a few polymer clay tools we imported. At the time we didn't even have our own product lines, and we didn't want to shout too loudly about Etsy because of the fees. We figured we would be on Etsy to "play around" but we would promote our own domain and shop to our customer base. 


After playing around on Etsy for several years, we realized our shop was called CreateAlong but our Etsy was not even branded to us, and ERank had us listed as a Top 1% seller! WHAT? So that's when we switched our name and branding to match our main website. 


There are only 7 things we recommend for Etsy success- it's not that complicated. Download the freebie to get started- it's all about the MOST important thing, Keywords.


While you're waiting for that to download, enroll in our mini course. It will take you about 20 minutes to finish!

That's it!


Then tomorrow, wake up fresh and get to work making your Etsy shop the best it can be. Good luck with your Etsy shop!



Free Masterclass:

Mini Course:

This site is part of the Create Along family, and houses our monthly subscription kits which you may find in the header menu and your account page.




© 2024 Ilki Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: Sacred Creative Journey, CreateAlongBox, and the Sisterhood  is not affiliated with META or Facebook.    

Contact info: Kira @

Disclaimer: This website is not affiliate with or part of 

META, Facebook, or Instagram.

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