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Lisa Renner

• Lisa Renner is a mixed-media artist whose interests include art dolls, bookmaking, jewelry, encaustic, and working with polymer clay, particularly creating figurative sculpture. She teaches workshops and enjoys sharing her techniques and creations with others.

• Her work has been featured in publications such as Art Doll Quarterly, Polymer Café, and Somerset Studios. She has been published in several books, including “The International Contemporary Artists, Volume V”, and “Incite: Dreams Realized, The Best of Mixed Media” by Northlight Books.

• Lisa is a member of both the International Polymer Clay Association, and the International Encaustic Association.

• One of her handmade Faux-Ivory polymer clay books is part of the permanent exhibit at The Mystic Seaport Museum in Mystic, Connecticut.

Lisa is a born Texan and lives north of Dallas. She works full time as surgical coordinator for a periodontist, where she’s been employed for the last 29 years. When she’s at home she loves spending time with her family and friends, and as much time as possible in her studio designing new workshops and creating art.

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