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What's a Shrine?

Artistic "shrines" are a small tribute to something you find interesting, special, or memorable.

You can make a shrine to remember a person, place, trip, pet, or any other memory, place, or idea that is special to you.


We visited St. Augustine, FL, the oldest city in America, and brought back inspiration for shrines to things such as nature at the beach, ancient and sacred spaces, and history.


Specially selected Embellishment Kit

with bake-able metal shrine forms

you can only find here!


Sparkly crystals, chains and powders 

perfect for enhancing clay creations


Three project ideas with step-out photos, and loads of photos and videos in the community!

This site is part of the Create Along family, and houses our monthly subscription kits which you may find in the header menu and your account page.




© 2024 Ilki Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: Sacred Creative Journey, CreateAlongBox, and the Sisterhood  is not affiliated with META or Facebook.    

Contact info: Kira @

Disclaimer: This website is not affiliate with or part of 

META, Facebook, or Instagram.

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